Sales Analytics

Your financial command center

See profits instantly, keep track of Amazon fees, and understand the financial health of your business.

What is Sales Analytics?

Sales Analytics organizes and tracks all your Amazon sales data in real time so you can focus on profit-building and cost-saving strategies to earn more money with Amazon.


See current and historical sales data with Profit Overview

View sales and profit data from a company perspective or a multi-product dashboard. See units sold, net margin, ROI, revenue, and more. Compare sales over time with custom date ranges to understand how promotions, refunds, and other variables impact your bottom line.

View details down to the product level

Dive into specific product performance using product name, ASIN, or SKU to explore sales and revenue details, PPC campaign performance, and supplier and shipping costs. In addition, track your inbound FBA shipments so you know when they reach Amazon’s fulfillment network.

Get a full financial picture

Create a professional profit and loss statement for a full picture of your company’s financial health. View critical metrics including revenue, hidden fees, costs of goods sold, and operating expenses by select time periods to see progress, spot trends, manage taxes, and more.

Customize your expenses

Document expenses including advertising, salaries, shipping and inventory costs, or other common fees. Add custom positive or negative entries unique to your business.

Evaluate your PPC campaigns

Measure your PPC-related sales and expenses to inform your future campaigns. Compare historical sales attributed to PPC spend with organic sales and view PPC expenses at the product level or over a certain date range.

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