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The Best Amazon Seller Forums

The road to success as an Amazon seller can be long, complex, and lonely. Though when things become challenging, determined sellers find ways to figure it out no matter what. 

One of the best ways to solve your problems or difficulties as an Amazon seller is to seek advice from those who are more experienced. But how are you supposed to reach other Amazon sellers?

Through Amazon seller forums and online communities, you can ask questions, seek advice, and learn from experienced sellers on how to succeed with your Amazon business

Keep reading to learn about the best Amazon seller forums and communities to follow in 2022. 

 The top Amazon Seller Forums and communities 

Want to know where you can interact with some of the top Amazon sellers in the world? Let’s review the best Amazon seller forums to help you grow your business. 

1. Amazon Seller Central forums 

If you’ve ever logged into Seller Central, you’ve likely noticed the “Seller Forum” section. This Amazon seller forum is one of the largest Amazon selling communities, as every Amazon seller has access to it. 

In the Seller Forums, you will find some of the most experienced (and candid) Amazon sellers in the game. If you have a question about your business, there is a high chance that there is already an informative thread about that very topic. 

If not, go ahead and create a new thread with your questions, and within hours or even minutes, you’ll have the answers you’re looking for. 

A great feature of this forum is that Amazon representatives will chime in on some threads if you are having trouble with your account or answer a specific Amazon selling question.

According to a recent announcement by Amazon, the Seller Forums will have a new look by the end of 2022, making it easier to navigate and search for answers. 

2. Amazon Seller Facebook groups

Not exactly “forums,” but Amazon seller communities that can be extremely helpful for beginner sellers. If you search for “Amazon sellers” or “Amazon FBA” on Facebook, you will see tons of large groups filled with new and experienced sellers like yourself. 

Facebook groups are a great way to connect and collaborate with other Amazon sellers and to learn new selling techniques that could positively impact your business. 

Did you know that Jungle Scout has a private Amazon seller Facebook group? It’s called the Amazon FBA Competitive Edge group. With over 60,000 members, it is a unique place to interact with and learn from other Amazon sellers. 

Join our community and other Amazon seller communities on Facebook! If you don’t have a Facebook account, I suggest you make one because the value you can get from some of these free communities is immeasurable. 

Here are some of my favorite Amazon seller Facebook Groups:

Join a few different groups and see which ones you get the most value from. 

3. Amazon seller subreddits 

You find a subreddit on nearly any topic on Reddit, Amazon selling included. Reddit can be a very useful resource for selling on Amazon and ecommerce in general. Need some advice or having trouble figuring out a particular problem? Search for that topic on Reddit or ask the community a question. 

To find subreddits about selling on Amazon, simply search for “selling on Amazon” or “Amazon FBA” and click on the communities tab. Here you will find numerous forums where you can ask and answer questions from other Amazon sellers. 

Get involved in the community and watch your Reddit Karma grow. 

4. Jungle Scout blog

While not a forum, the Jungle Scout blog is filled with tons of free valuable information about selling on Amazon perfect for beginners and advanced sellers. On each article, readers have an option to leave comments that someone from Jungle Scout will reply to. 

We have articles on nearly every topic you can think of when it comes to selling on Amazon. Have a question about your business or a problem you can’t solve? Head over to the Jungle Scout blog and search for the topic you’re interested in learning more about. 

You can also answer other readers’ comments and interact with other sellers. 

5. Warrior Forum 

Warrior Forum is a forum for learning about all things digital marketing, ecommerce, and even selling on Amazon. On the homepage, you can browse through various topics or search for a particular topic you’re interested in learning about. 

This website is filled with experienced sellers in ecommerce and can be a good place for you to learn about about selling on Amazon. 

Get involved in Amazon Seller communities!

If you want to grow and succeed with your Amazon business, networking with other sellers is one of the best ways to do so. Learn from others wins and losses and take your business to the next level. 

What’s your favorite Amazon Seller forum or community? Let us know in the comments! 

Want to learn more about how you can use Jungle Scout to launch, grow, and run your Amazon business? Click the “Learn More” button below!

One comment on “The Best Amazon Seller Forums

  1. Thanks for posting the article about Forums. It is unfortunate that Amazon is now posting the business name and addresses of posters. So many of the old time posters will now delete their posts.

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