Consumer Trends Report | Q1 2023

Generational Trends in Consumer Behavior

Consumer behaviors constantly evolve, and in 2023, the preferences and habits of America’s youngest adults are painting a unique picture of current and future market trends. This quarterly study of 1,000 U.S. consumers explores spending and ecommerce trends, with a special focus on generational differences among Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer shoppers as the buying power of each group continues to shift.

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Key Insights

America’s youngest adult shoppers are savvy — and setting a new standard for ecommerce. 32% of Generation Z consumers shop online once a day or more, compared to just 7% of Baby Boomers who do the same.

Where do American consumers start their search for products online? The majority still pick Amazon, while Gen X favors search engines. Among Gen Z, 43% start on TikTok — higher than those who start on Google!

Approaches to saving money vary wildly among generations as inflation continues to impact spending. Baby Boomers are 78% more likely than Gen Z to buy items on sale, while Gen Z buys used products more than any other age group.

Just How Different Are Gen Z Shoppers?

As a generation who grew up with their fingers on the pulse of digital technology, Gen Z consumers are rewriting the rules of consumerism and setting a new standard for the future of retail with their shopping habits and preferences. Consideration of just the frequency with which this group shops online compared to other generations forms a foundation on which many of their other differences — outlined in detail in our full report — are built.

As a generation who grew up with their fingers on the pulse of digital technology, Gen Z consumers are rewriting the rules of consumerism and setting a new standard for the future of retail with their shopping habits and preferences.

Consideration of just the frequency with which this group shops online compared to other generations forms a foundation on which many of their other differences — outlined in detail in our full report — are built.

Generation profiles

*subset who responded to our survey

Online shopping frequency

Where consumers begin when searching for a product online

Cautious Optimism? Q1 Spending Ticks Higher

Despite some uncertainty about the future primarily driven by a still higher-than-normal inflation rate, consumer spending levels nudged higher in Q1 compared to Q4 2022. Notably, however, the products consumers say they’re buying more of this quarter fall into the essentials category. The top category consumers are buying less of, alternatively, is a more discretionary one: electronics.

% of consumers whose overall spending …

Where consumers are shopping in Q1

Download the Full Report

In this report, you’ll find:

  • A pulse check on consumer spending: Where, when and how people are shopping, what they’re buying, and where they’re cutting back
  • A deep dive into generational differences among consumers top priorities
  • Insights into social media’s ever-expanding influence on ecommerce

About The Report


Jungle Scout conducted an anonymous survey between Feb. 8 and Feb. 9, 2023, among 1,000 U.S. consumers about their buying preferences and behaviors. Respondents represented 48 U.S. states, all genders, and ages 18 to 75+, as well as various employment types and income levels.

Respondents were asked questions about their behaviors and spending since the beginning of 2023. Some of the analysis in the report compares responses from this survey to previous consumer trends surveys conducted by Jungle Scout, where data has been collected on a quarterly basis since June 2020.

Using the data

We invite you to explore Jungle Scout’s Q1 2023 Consumer Trends Report and to share, reference, and publish the findings with attribution to “Jungle Scout” and a link to this page.

For more information, specific data requests or media assets, or to reach the report’s authors, please contact us at [email protected].

About Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is the leading all-in-one platform for ecommerce sellers, supporting more than $50 billion in annual Amazon revenue. Founded in 2015 as the first Amazon product research tool, Jungle Scout today features a full suite of best-in-class business management solutions and powerful market intelligence resources to help entrepreneurs and brands manage their ecommerce businesses. Jungle Scout is headquartered in Austin, Texas, and supports 10 global Amazon marketplaces.

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