Between December 1-28, 2020, Jungle Scout surveyed 4,864 Amazon sellers, including prospective and former sellers.
Respondents represent 70 countries, 17 Amazon marketplaces, and all relevant Amazon product categories. They are ages 18 to 80+, as well as all genders and levels of education.
Using the data
We invite you to explore Jungle Scout’s State of the Amazon Seller Report, and to share, reference, and publish the findings with attribution to “Jungle Scout” and a link to this page.
About Jungle Scout
Jungle Scout is the leading all-in-one platform for ecommerce sellers, supporting more than $50 billion in annual Amazon revenue. Founded in 2015 as the first Amazon product research tool, Jungle Scout today features a full suite of best-in-class business management solutions and powerful market intelligence resources to help entrepreneurs and brands manage their ecommerce businesses. Jungle Scout is headquartered in Austin, Texas and supports 10 global Amazon marketplaces.
For more information, specific data requests or media assets, or to reach the report’s authors, please contact us at [email protected].